that is what I did. the bore was not too bad, All I did was hone it out by hand and do a plateau hone job on it. the specs were a little on the loose side, but I figured its not going to wear much if any with the use of the tungsten disulfide. Seemed to work fine.
You still have oil in crankcase and once engine starts it gets on the cylinders but you get a few seconds when its dry. I had also turned it over by hand many times dry while setting everything up.
I got the spray from here.
they give some directions on how to embed it into the metals. I did that on practically all moving parts where surfaces slide against each other. bearings lifters inside and out and cam and oil pump etc etc.
Did each ring and also each slot on each piston so no micro welding can happen. Also coated valve stems and guides and combustion chambers and piston top as the Tungsten disulfide is a very high temp resistance.