Thanks for all of the replys. The car is a 2700lb. Jet. It is a 4 main block. Same size as the big blocks. Rods journals are a little smaller, just under 2in. They still used Atlas rods. I have a pic of a red Jet that supposely was Ike Smith's. The lettering on the side said it was a record holder. It also had 202 on the side. One gentleman I had PM's with said he thought it was really 308 car. The 55-56 Hash Wasp rated the motor with twin-h at 124hp. The Hash Wasp was a lot bigger car and the little motor had a hard time with it. I would like to have one of those motors. If anyone has any leads Please let me know. For some reason I am not allowed to post on the Swap Meet. Something about firewalls. Sorry. Thanks