For anyone who has this data handy, or has something torn down enough to measure, I'd greatly appreciate any info you can provide...

I'm looking for the fitting size and thread type (ie NPT, etc.) for the _2_ threaded fittings on the passenger side of the water neck housing. The top one is for one of the heater hoses and the bottom one is for a sending unit.

Also, has anyone here ever knocked out what looks like a freeze plug on the driver's side of the water neck housing? Is that side threaded? As in, could I, thread the heater hose fitting into that side and cap off the passenger side opening?

And last, but not least...

For the Clifford Chevy 250 water heated intake (42-4501 6=8 Chevy 194-230-250-292 Cast Alum, Street Flow Intake Manifold. Water Heated (Code: 42-4501)

What is the thread size and type (NPT, etc.) for the 2 water ports on the side of the manifold?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.