Don,I had a chance to talk to George Asch about the carbs I am using and he wasn`t to helpful as he hasn`t used them. I told him what I wanted for perfomance on the engine and he recomended taking 60-70 thou off the head--bore the engine 60 over and have the cam reground for a 380 lift. I will be going to the HEI that Langdon`s offers. As far as the Wicap unit, my buddy has used it in his 38 Ply and it worked great. You use a Chev bell and there is a clutch kit offered with a 10 3/8 disc and the pressure plate is a standard V-8. I found the kit thru my local parts store--I can get the 800# if anyone is interested---this is for the NWC T-5--one inch--14 spline. You use the adapter to mount your new motor mounts to---I will show pics when I finish. Using the Ford 9 inch rear then gives me the opportunity to have an E-brake. The T-5 is such a great unit for the old flat heads because of the OD. The original 265 in the car now runs fine and I will do all the mods for the driveline and carbs on it, then transfer them to the spiffed up 54 engine later. I would post pics here but don`t know how?? Not real computer savay---what do you think of George`s suggestions on the engine?? Thanks...52er

One should live as if you sold the family parrot to the town gossip....Will Rogers