
It's NOT 'better' for an engine with 7-1 compression, where the distributer turns 2,000 RPM or less, only more money. You (may) get suied/arrested because you sold them something they didn't need, breaking Consumer fraud laws.

It's $70 for the kit + $40 for the coil if one wants an "electronic" ignition system (extra HV) to avoid the point adjustment etc.

Your right on the "sueing issue". You can 'sue' anyone for anything, anytime-anywhere. But; winning/collecting is another matter and the main reason our Courts are backloged.

As Walt points out; If you WANT a $300 racing igniton for your Hot Rod someone WILL sell you one, because you WANT it, not because you need it. Big difference.

John M., I.I. #3370

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going". -Anon