Until I saw the post by Tony P, I did not realize that a simple digital camera (like the one I received for being at Boeing for 40 years) could record a video with sound!
Here is my contribution to this interesting thread. Actually, last week was the first "cruise", but I screwed up the recording, so this weekend I let my better half handle the camera.
261 under power The engine last ran in 1962, and I have dragged it around since then, while I went back to school. got a real job, family, etc. In 2004 I started rebuilding the engine. Most of the parts are from the late fifties. A Toros head, 54 261 block with 0.125" over Venolia pistons, McGurk #56 cam, 1958 mid-ratio Chevy transmission, etc. I call the highboy (from Doug White of Show-me Rod and Custom) my "rolling engine stand."