Hi all, I'm not a particularly active member here but sort of invited myself into this world when we decided to resurrect my family's old 60's motor home that was, at some point probably in the 70's, swapped with a 302 GMC from a deuce and a half Army truck. (So that's the sealed engine, no cam driven fuel pump.)
We're in the process of getting this coach back on the road and for all the 302 is a cool retro piece, it needs to go. Parts are hard to find, so is knowledge about them, and we need to go a different direction with the powertrain for it to be a viable RV.
Here's my dilemma, I'm struggling to figure out what a fair price to sell the current 302 for is... There aren't many online that I find for sale or sold. It feels like the sort of thing that is pretty niche today but I was originally directed here when I was asking for help about getting it back on the road for our resurrection trip back home here in NC. Y'all seemed like a good group to ask now that the motor is out and able to be sold.
So here's the deal:
It's a running 302 GMC, out of an Army truck. Stock oil pan, no mechanical fuel pump. I'm looking to get an idea of what fair market value would be, or a range, or first hand experience from folks who have sold or bought a big GMC straight 6.
To be clear, just so this doesn't get flagged as being in the wrong forum, once we have some more info about the market for these, I'll post a for sale in the swap meet here with pictures and more specifics. Just trying to continue educating myself before we sell it.
PS. I understand this is possibly an odd post, so by all means, feel free to PM me, or reply with any relevant info that might help.
Thanks in advance,
Last edited by hotrod6657; 10/29/24 02:29 AM. Reason: Grammar