Greetings . . .
With the number of folks still draggin' with these gizmos I am suprised at how little historical documentation is available for the PG. I have found lots of inidications that GM only ever made two low gear ratios (suggesting 1.82 originally and 1.76 later on) but no inidication when exactly the 1.76 ratio appeared.
But this seems backwards to me based on construction (cast steel versus a stamped steel planetary housing) which suggests that the 1.76 is more likely the original ratio.
The cast iron glide was supposedly built until '61 with the aluminum ones making the scene in '62.
I had also heard 'swap meet talk' years ago that the availability of 1.82 ratio corresponded with the change from the PNDLR selector to the more familiar PRNDL. This happened in '58 I think.
Regardless it appears that GM continued to use both ratios for some time as there are plenty of tech tips indicating how to tell the difference:
What Ratio is your Powerglide? regards,