Bob Klessig #3176 of Antigo, Wisconsin has a real winner in the '52 convertible. Let's make Bob a winner in the R&C contest too!
Hi All:
I am Bob from Northern Wisconsin. I just finished my 52 Chevy Convertible that
we built from a 2dt ht. This is my first Inliner since High School. Had 52 2dr
ht and a 53 4dr. This has got a 292 with a 200R4 and all of the creature
features including a power folding 2' chopped top.
Obviously I'm proud of the way it turned out.
Now for the Shamless Self Promotion part.
I was lucky enough to make the semi'finals of the Rod & Custom Ego-Rama. My car
is one of the 20 featured in the Sept. issue that is on the newstands now. If I
am one of the top 5 vote getters, I get to go to California in October for a
week of fun and games.
I am asking for your support because it is the only INLINER entered in the
Please pick up a copy of the new R&C or photo copy page 33 and vote for # 6 and
4 other cars of your choice. Snail mail the entry form to the address on the
ballot page. You must vote for 5 cars to have the ballot count.
Let's get an INLINER in the final 5.
If this post is out of order for a newbee on the board, I apologize in advance
and the moderator is free to delete it.
As you can tell, I am stoked to be selected.